Before delving deep into the discussion, I would like to apprise my audience about the background of this write-up. Today in the evening, I had a petty argument with my elder sister over her children. The scene was she was mistreating, or so did I feel, her daughter, and that pissed me off a wee bit. So I told her to change her behaviour with her kids, as this can cause emotional insecurity in them. In response, she produced the most middle-aged argument. She said, “she doesn’t understand my behaviour and all that jazz”. This proposition aggravated me even further. But I could not make her realize that she was wrong, as, throughout our debate, she was staring at me and I could feel my skin burn. In summary, I will prove my point by dint of references in this article, and my point is that children of 2-3 years old are well aware of the environment and the type of behaviour they are subjected to.
Emotional development in children starts as early as one year old, according to Raising Children, an Australian parenting website backed by the Australian government department of social services. Emotional development unfolds quickly between ages 2-3. The child is experiencing a wide range of emotions and simultaneously learns about other people’s feelings. Temper tantrums are common among kids because they frequently lack the language to express “big” feelings like annoyance, rage, humiliation, guilt, and shame. Children aged 1-3 years old often have tantrums.
This is because young children’s social, emotional, and verbal development is still in its infancy. As a result, they may become upset because they find it difficult to express their wants, feelings, and even their desire to care for themselves. They are also discovering the impact of their actions on others. Therefore, tantrums are one of the ways that young toddlers manage their emotions, try to understand or alter their environment, and communicate their feelings.
In addition, the child is beginning to comprehend how both their actions and your actions influence them. The child may not become as upset when you leave them because they won’t experience as much separation anxiety. Babies and toddlers with separation anxiety frequently become attached and weep if you or the other caregivers leave them, even for a brief period of time. Young children between the ages of six months and three years frequently experience separation anxiety and a fear of strangers. Still, these feelings are common in this age group and typically pass as your kid develops.
Toddlers’ thinking has evolved due to what they have learned thus far. The child begins comprehending ideas like time and opposites, such as big and little and day and night. Additionally, the youngster starts to categorize items, match shapes and colours, and point to bodily parts according to what they do. Additionally, your youngster is beginning to recall the appearance of some objects, such as the red and spherical appearance of apples. Finally, they experiment to find solutions to issues.
According to the theory of mind, infants perceive the world in ways that adults do not, and they are unable to comprehend the viewpoints of others. One of the underlying prerequisites to the formation of a fully developed mind, according to psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen, is attention. This entails realizing that seeing is more than just gazing and that we can focus our attention on particular items and persons.
Psychologists frequently use false beliefs to evaluate a child’s growing theory of mind. The most frequent iteration of this activity is the researcher asking the young participant to watch two puppets, Sally and Anne. Sally, the first puppet, puts a marble in a basket before leaving the room. The second puppet, Anne, transfers Sally’s marble from the basket to a box after she leaves. The youngster is then asked, “Where will Sally seek her marble when she comes back?” by the researcher. A young child with a strong theory of mind will answer that Sally will search the basket for her marble. The child understands that Sally will look for her marble in its previous spot even if she knows that the stone is not actually in the basket and that Sally does not know this. On the other hand, children who don’t have fully formed conceptions of mind might say that Sally will check the box. Based on this reaction, the youngster may not yet be able to distinguish between what they know and what Sally knows.
In fine, it can be stated that, according to the theory of mind, kids have different perspectives on the world than adults, and they cannot comprehend how other people may see things. Children between the ages of one and three frequently have tantrums. This is because their social, emotional, and linguistic development is still in its infancy. Between the ages of six months and three years, young children frequently experience separation anxiety and a fear of strangers. All this information is highly significant in adequate parenting. Therefore, every parent should be aware.