Word Power: Elevate Your Writing with 10 High-End Words - Part VII


Welcome to the seventh installment of our writing series on advanced vocabulary. This article explores the subtleties of words like rubrics, emetic, and more, providing examples and advice to improve your writing. Our goal in delving into these terms is to enhance your comprehension and offer useful illustrations that you may utilize in your own compositions. At the end, there will also be a mnemonic technique to aid the audience in learning all of these terms. It is anticipated that this article will be just as engrossing and educational as the others in the series, offering writers who want to improve their writing skills and broaden their vocabulary a useful tool.

Word Power: Elevate Your Writing with 10 High-End Words - Part VII

List of Words

The following words have been discussed:


Complicity refers to the state of being involved in a wrongful act or a crime, either as a participant or an accomplice. It implies partnership or involvement in something illegal or dishonest.

Example: The company's CEO was found guilty of complicity in the fraud scheme.


Propinquity means nearness in place or time. It refers to the proximity or closeness of something, often used to describe relationships or physical closeness.

Example: The propinquity of the two buildings made it easy for the residents to share amenities.


Chicanery refers to the use of trickery or deception to achieve a purpose. It involves using clever but misleading methods to deceive someone.  

Example: The politician was known for his chicanery in manipulating public opinion.


Emetic is a substance that induces vomiting. It is often used in medical contexts to describe medications or chemicals that can cause vomiting.  

Example: The doctor administered an emetic to the patient to expel the toxic substance from his stomach.


Farrago refers to a confused mixture or medley of things. It describes a jumble or hodgepodge of different elements.  

Example: The speech was a farrago of unrelated ideas and anecdotes.


Erstwhile means former. It is used to describe something that was in the past but is no longer the case.  

Example: The erstwhile champion was defeated in the first round of the tournament.


Rubric has several meanings, but it often refers to an established rule, tradition, or custom. It can also refer to a heading or title in a document.  

Example: The teacher followed the rubric closely when grading the students' essays.


Emolument refers to payment for work or services, especially when given as compensation or salary. It can also include benefits or perquisites.  

Example: The emolument for the position was quite generous, attracting many applicants.


Thaumaturgy refers to the performance of miracles or magic. It is often associated with supernatural or mystical practices.  

Example: The book describes the wizard's thaumaturgy in great detail.


Rubicund means having a healthy red or reddish complexion. It is often used to describe someone with a healthy, reddish glow.  

Example: After spending a day in the sun, his face was quite rubicund.

Mnemonic Technique

Visualizing the following scenario can help you recall each word based on its place and role in the narrative. 

“In a quaint village nestled amidst the propinquity of rolling hills and babbling brooks, there lived a group of friends whose complicity in mischief was well-known. Their chicanery knew no bounds as they concocted farragoes of pranks and jests. One day, while exploring the attic of an erstwhile mansion, they stumbled upon an ancient book of thaumaturgy, filled with rubrics for performing miracles. With newfound excitement and a touch of skepticism, they decided to try a potion from the book that promised a rubicund glow and a purse of emolument. Little did they know, the potion was an emetic, and their faces turned rubicund for all the wrong reasons. Despite their misadventure, they remained friends, bound by the rubric of their shared escapades.”

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